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All over the world, increased number of people becomes familiar with the fact that natural resources, on which the existence of the entire mankind depends, are neither eternal nor undisruptive. The oil becomes scarce, drinking water isn’t abundant anyway,  electricity production

is closely related to disturbance of the ecosystems on a large scale, and disposal of all kinds of waste causes the headaches of authorized personnel for a long time.

Thereby, it is not hard to explain the emergence of initiatives for maximum conservation and protection of the quality of non-renewable resources, and alternative orientations as well.

It is understandable that this kind of approach has to be applied in our own homes first, and then on the community and society levels. Unfortunately, it seems that the fundamental problem lies in the society as such.

Modern technology isn’t always the prerequisite for production of home appliances and devices classified as energy-saving or less harmful in comparison with the traditional ones. Such products often represent practical application of the fundamental laws of mechanics and physics.

Sometimes the working principles of some of

these technical solutions, which could replace old, costly and environmentally unacceptable ones, are unbelievably simple.

We present here some of these appliance and home and garden device solutions already available on the market, but if you are talented and skilled, these could be the ideas for your own handiwork.



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