

























Concept and the fields of action:

1.      Increasing the public awareness (publications, magazines, conferences)

2.      Urban ecology (environmental improvements in living and working space)

3.      Preservation, protection and significance of rivers and lakes (drinking water)

4.      Sewerage – wastewater draining (industrial wastewater)

5.      Landfills and junk on the streets (reclamation of illegal landfills)

6.      Recycling (PET plastics, aluminum recycling)

7.      City parks – squares – playgrounds (reconstruction and building)

8.      Protection, preservation and restoration of forests (afforesting)

9.      “Green” food – ecological agriculture (medical herbs)

10.  Environmental standards in industry (sustainable development and ecological production)

11.  Informing and use of cheep, renewable energy resources (alternative energy)

12.  Eco-tourism (publications, web-galleries, presentations of Serbian tourism potential)

Task and Goal

Our primary goal is education and turning the public attention to the numerous social problems related to the environment, its preservation and improvement.

We have put a task ahead of us to support the needs of environmentally aware population by providing educative data and inspiring the people how to take an extra care of the environment. 

How to save, live healthy, feed on natural-healthy food, change bad old habits harmful to the environment and health, how and where to buy eco-friendly products which use decrease our detrimental influence on the environment and establish our personal example which proves that a compromise between the quality and the style is possible...in short, about everything that makes us aware and informed.

It’s not easy to achieve this goal and a hard task is in front of the citizens and us from EkoSpark, but have no fear, because in case you have forgotten - ‚‚even the longest journey begins with only one step...‚‚



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